1. Annapurna ata is owned by which company- Unilever
2. Harmony brand of garment comes under which group- Reliance
3. Ad of colgate palmolive -

4. Unilever’s first product in India – Sunlight
5. Pic of a book - “Sneaker War “

6.Which country is not using coins anymore as its currency- Vietnam?
7.“The fog of war” documentary on- Robert McNamara
8.Dare to dream is related to – M.S. oberoi
9.Ticker symbol of SUN is replaced by- JAVA
10.Which FMCG giant market Axe in Indian market – HLL
11.Some question about template- Lauren Epson
12.The poor always pay back- Grameen bank
13.Who is going to takeover the CEO & MD of T.C.S- M. Chandrasekhar
14.Which co. tied up exclusively with titan eye plus - Essilor?
15.Visuals of Sharad devraj, Shakti, were shown – Virgin comic book
16.Pic of dreamline, Hemamalini, Dhoni were shown – Future group
17.Connect-Pic of Parle’s Ramesh chouhan, Daredevils, the football league

connect is Coca- cola
18.Annual Meeeting of the new champions held annually in China-World economic forum

19.The only fictional character so honored ,inducted as an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2002- Sherlock Holmes
20. Campaign of what-

National association for blinds
21.identify pic-

Maslow hierarchy
It was an evevning worth spent at ARMY Public School. I ran soon after giving my exam, So reached late. I missed out preliminary round questions. Here are other questions from -TATA track & external track.
Six teams which qualified on the stage were-
Accenture, Mccann erickson , Citibank, SAP Labs, CSC Noida & The Smart Cube
But this time unfortunately traditional quizzers & one of my favorite teams, team NTPC missed out with little margin, even Giri also quoted on this.But they answered some cool audience questions.
The winners for this evening were undoubtedly -
Team Accenture-Rohan khanna & sandeepan